Summary: | Introduction. Society and the state form an external request for the results of education, proceeding from their priority tasks and interests. Currently, the actual educational result is the functional literacy of students. The achievement of the demanded results of the educational process largely depends on the professionalism of the teacher who implements it. In this connection, the issue of training pedagogical personnel ready and able to form relevant educational results, in particular, the functional literacy of students, by means of individual subject areas, is of particular relevance. The first step to solving this issue is to study the pedagogical phenomenon, which is new for domestic science, "the readiness of future teachers to form students' functional literacy" and the development of its scientifically based model, which is the purpose of this article.Materials and Methods. In the process of work, theoretical (analysis, generalization, systematization, pedagogical modeling) and empirical (open observation, interviewing) research methods were used.Results. The main directions of pedagogical activity focused on the formation of functional literacy of students by means of individual subject areas are highlighted. This made it possible to clarify the content of the concept of "the readiness of future teachers to form the functional literacy of students." The structural-content model of the studied type of readiness is theoretically substantiated, in which motivational, emotional-volitional, cognitive, activity and reflexive-evaluative components are highlighted. The criteria (personal, cognitive, activity and regulatory) and the corresponding indicators for assessing the readiness of students of a pedagogical higher educational institution for the formation of students' functional literacy are formulated. The levels of formation of this readiness are described.Discussion and Conclusions. The implementation of modern education strategies is impossible without training the relevant teaching staff. The development of a scientifically grounded model of the readiness of future teachers to form students' functional literacy is just the beginning of the path to modernizing teacher education. Allocation of the readiness structure and the criterion apparatus for its assessment allows us to determine further guidelines for the design and implementation of the conditions for its formation.