Summary: | China is one of the countries with a high burden of tuberculosis (TB) and latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI). It was recently estimated that China had the highest LTBI burden in the world, with approximately 350 million persons living with the infection. The prevalence of LTBI in China is overestimated by tuberculin skin test (TST) as compared to interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA). A population-based study found that IGRA positivity rates ranged between 13.5% and 19.8%. The annual TB infection rate in the rural population was 1.5% based on persistent positive IGRA results in converters. The development of active TB from LTBI in the general rural population was 0.87 per 100 person-years in the first 2 years among individuals who newly converted to IGRA-positive. TB control in students has been paid more attention by the government, which also improved LTBI management among students in close contact with active TB patients. A 3-month regimen of twice-weekly rifapentine plus isoniazid (3H2P2, both with a maximum dose of 600 mg) has been practiced for LTBI treatment in China for years. With respect to LTBI management in populations using immune inhibitors, an expert consensus on TB prevention and management in tumor necrosis factor antagonist application was published in 2013 in China. In order to achieve the global goals of the End TB Strategy, China needs innovative ideas and technologies to reduce the TB incidence by management of LTBI, such as the identification of populations for LTBI testing and treatment, selecting and developing reliable LTBI tests, exploring safe and effective preventive treatment tools, and establishing a set of optimized LTBI management systems. Keywords: China, Latent tuberculosis infection, Burden, Prevalence, Management