Summary: | During the spring of 2020, Choristoneura murinana (Hubner) otherwise European Fir Budworm (EFB) was recorded on Abies cephalonica near the villages of Kaloskopi and Agoriani in Central Greece at the mountains Giona and Parnassus respectively. To our knowledge, the occurrence of the particular pest on the specific mountains has not been described yet. We found that EFB mostly prefers Abies cephalonica and less Juniperus oxycedrous in sunny areas and/or near the country roads. Across the study area, local severe infestations of scale 2, 3 and 5, were observed. In many cases the infestation was observed in adult fir individuals. Defoliations and severe outbreaks, which are presumably incurred by EFB were also observed by local people (beekeepers, foresters, herb collectors) in the past. Our laboratories field measurements and the analysis of the Singular Spectrum analysis trendlines revealed growth decline, not connected with climatic parameters but probably associated with observed defoliations by the EFB.