Summary: | In Cuba results necessary identifying new sweet potato variety that it‟s possess bigger precociousness, that is, high yield in cycles inferior to five months. The present work was done at Institute of Tropical Root (INIVIT). It involved to evaluate six new sweet potato variety: „INIVIT B 18‟, „INIVIT B 12-9‟, „INIVIT B 13-9‟, „INIVIT B-14‟, „INIVIT B 240-2010‟ e „INIVIT B 16-2010‟ and the commercial variety „CEMSA 78 -354‟ e „INIVIT B2-2005‟, the ones that were considered like control. The clone INIVIT B 240-2010 presented values of 663.5 g and 550.0 g of weight of marketable tuberous roots for winter epoch and spring respectively and it was significantly superior to the rest of the variety in both epochs. The weight for marketable tuberous root, independently of the variety, it‟s different between both epochs of plantation with significant superiority for the epoch of winter as compared with spring epoch. The variety INIVIT B2-2005 presented bigger number of marketable tuberous roots by plant with significant differences to the rest of variety in both epochs. Variety INIVIT B 240-2010 and INIVIT B 16-2010 showed the bigger yield with values of 51.3 t.ha 1 and 49.0 t.ha 1 respectively, significantly superior to the rest of variety.