Summary: | Information on the economic characters was derived from ninety-two varieties of soybean. Analysis of variance was carried out for the datarecorded on plant height, nodes plant-1, branches plant-1, 100-seed weight, days to 50 % flowering, days to maturity, grain yield, oil and proteincontent. Results revealed highly significant differences among varieties for all the characters. High heritability was recorded for days to maturity,days to 50 % flowering, plant height, nodes, oil and protein content, indicating the additive mode of gene action. Correlation coefficient of yieldwas significantly negative with days to flowering and maturity. Seed weight was negatively correlated with days to flowering, maturity, plantheight, nodes but positively with oil content. Protein content, however, was positively correlated with number of branches and days to 50%flowering but negative with oil content.