Summary: | The purpose of the article is to observe the genre and stylistic features of dedications to liturgical publications in the context of Baroque style influence on Ukrainian book culture of the seventeenth and eighteenth century. The methodology of research is based on structural analysis of dedications of Ukrainian liturgical publications of the seventeenth and eighteenth century. This approach enables to single out the content and formal features of Baroque dedications, as well as their function in the structure of the liturgical book. Scientific novelty. The article observes the tradition to dedicate liturgical publications to wealthy and prominent representatives of the social elite. The circle of persons who were addressees of Ukrainian liturgical publications dedications is defined. In observation of genre and stylistics features of dedications, their pragmatic element, connected with the intention to obtain finance and protection for book printing, is outlined. The main difference between book dedication and the genre of panegyrics is presented as an intention to glorify only those virtues of the addressee, which could be useful for the printing-house or the printer. Besides the personality of the addressee, the central object of glorification in the text of dedication is the liturgical book, presented as a valuable gift. In glorification of outstanding moral values and high achievements of liturgical publications dedication addressee, it is seen the attempt of the editor to substantiate the propriety of his choice of such a valuable gift receiver. Conclusions. The unfavorable financial conditions in which old Ukrainian printing houses had to function, were favorable for dedication genre development. This genre enriched the art decoration of Ukrainian early printed books and had become the heritage of Ukrainian literature and book culture of Baroque йpoque. The act of dedication stimulated the development of heraldic poetry and enriched the editorial and publishing books elements with bright artistic images. The examples of dedication texts to Kyiv Apostle of 1630, Chernihiv Molytvoslov of 1691, Pochaiv Sluzebnyk of 1734, and Lviv Sluzebnyk of 1759 make evident that tradition of metaphorical presentation of liturgical book as a gift to a pious person was durable. The genre of dedication enriched the decoration of old-printed Ukrainian books, literature, and book culture in general. The substantial informational potency of dedications to Ukrainian liturgical publications supports the necessity of scientific reedition of these texts.