Summary: | Safety classification of systems, structures, and components (SSC) is an essential activity for nuclear reactor design and operation. The current regulatory trend is to require risk-informed safety classification that considers first, the severity, but also the frequency of SSC failures. While safety classification for nuclear power plants is covered in many regulatory and scientific publications, research reactors received less attention. Research reactors are typically of lower power but, at the same time, are less standardized i.e., have more variability in the design, operational modes, and operating conditions. This makes them more challenging when considering safety classification. This work presents the Integrated Risk-Informed Safety Classification (IRISC) procedure which is a novel extension of the IAEA recommended process with dedicated probabilistic treatment of research reactor designs. The article provides the details of probabilistic analysis performed within safety classification process to a degree that is often missing in most literature on the topic. The article presents insight from the implementation of the procedure in the safety classification for the MARIA Research Reactor operated by the National Center for Nuclear Research in Poland.