Summary: | The aim of this study was to investigate domestic violence against children and adolescents in Curitiba-Pr. It
was realized a descriptive exploratory research, with quantitative approach. It was analyzed the notification
register basis of the Protection Network of children and adolescents at risk of violence in Curitiba-Brazil,
2004-2009. The variables included the socio-demographic profile of the victims, types of violence, origin of
notification, information about the aggressor, severity of the case, injuries. The data had been stored in the
software EPI-INFO and analyzed by software SPSS 17.0. It was analyzed the frequency distribution and
associations between variables, using chi-square test, with the level of significance of 5%. The 19.316
notifications showed a prevalence of 88.4 of domestic violence, with 17,082 cases, as neglect with 9,742
notifications (57.0%). From the total, 43.9% of the cases were considered serious, the most affected age
was 5 to 14 years old, with balance between genders. Among aggressors, the mother was the most
important in cases of negligence. The physical sequels (20.2%) mainly reached head, arms and legs,
characterized as bruising, cuts, and fractures. It was concluded that, in the studied period, domestic violence
had greater visibility in this city, with more notifications of neglect. It is important to increase politics on
domestic violence prevention, with continuous violence and family support strategies, supporting victims,
family and aggressors.