Summary:<sec><title>Objective</title>To assess the prevalence and the profile of adverse events (AE) of natalizumab in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS).</sec><sec><title>Methods</title>Data collection from neurologists attending to patients with MS at specialized units in Brazil.</sec><sec><title>Results</title>Data from 103 patients attending the infusion centers of 16 MS units in 9 Brazilian states were included in the study. The total number of infusions was 1,042. Seventy-nine patients (76.7%) did not present any AE. Twenty-four patients (23.3%) presented only mild AE. There were three major AE, including two deaths. These three occurrences, although not necessarily being drug-related, must be taken into consideration.</sec><sec><title>Conclusion</title>The profile of AEs for natalizumab shows that 97% of patients have none or only mild AE. However, still due to safety worries, the use of this medication should be restricted to MS units under the care of specialized neurologists.</sec><br><sec><title>Objetivo</title>Avaliar a preval&#234;ncia e o perfil dos eventos adversos (EA) por natalizumabe em pacientes com esclerose m&#250;ltipla (EM).</sec><sec><title>M&#233;todos</title>Coleta de dados fornecidos por neurologistas de unidades especializadas em EM no Brasil.</sec><sec><title>Resultados</title>No estudo, foram inclu&#237;dos dados de 103 pacientes em tratamento em centros de infus&#227;o de 16 unidades de EM em 9 estados brasileiros. O n&#250;mero total de infus&#245;es foi 1.042. Setenta e nove pacientes (76,7%) n&#227;o apresentaram nenhum EA. Vinte e quatro pacientes (23,3%) apresentaram apenas EA leves. Foram relatados tr&#234;s importantes EA, incluindo duas mortes. Embora n&#227;o necessariamente ligadas &#224; droga, estas EA devem ser levadas em considera&#231;&#227;o.</sec><sec><title>Conclus&#227;o</title>O perfil de EA para natalizumabe mostrou que em 97% dos pacientes n&#227;o houve EA ou houve apenas EA leves. No entanto, dadas as preocupa&#231;&#245;es com seguran&#231;a da droga, o uso deste medicamento deve continuar restrito &#224;s unidades de EM sob os cuidados de neurologistas especializados.</sec>