Summary: | The língu maquista is an old dialect which is part of the Portuguese heritage in Macau. This dialect, also known by patois, was commonly spoken among Macanese families until the end of the 19th century. However, from 1930 on, the lingu maquista started to fall into disuse, and nowadays it is on the verge of extinction. Quoting José dos Santos Ferreira: «in a few years now, no traces of this dialect will remain over, except for a few pale remembrances, as the nostalgic sound of a sweet melody pregnant of old memoirs». This article makes the apologia of the life and spirit of a dialect that proved to be able to absorb the Camonian prose and poetry. In addition, it testifies for the remanent marks of the Portuguese Language, linking together three continents and three geographical regions: Portugal, Macau and Brazil.