Summary: | (Series Information) European Papers - A Journal on Law and Integration, 2016 1(2), 599-609 | European Forum Insight of 17 August 2016 | (Table of Contents) I. Premessa. - II. Base giuridica sostanziale e cumulo di basi giuridiche PESC e TFUE. - III. Quale base giuridica sostanziale per l'accordo con la Tanzania? - IV. La soluzione della Corte. - V. Considerazioni conclusive. | (Abstract) It has already been made clear in case-law that a European Union measure - including a decision approving an international agreement - may have a dual substantive legal basis. This is necessary wherever the measure simultaneously pursues a number of objectives, or has several components, which are linked to each other, without one being incidental to the other, so that various provisions of the Treaty are equally applicable. However, a combination of CFSP and other external policies legal basis' is difficult because of the diverging decision-making procedures and instruments. This contribution analyses the Court's approach to competence and choice of legal basis in the context of the agreement EU-Tanzania and argues that, in order to avoid the problems related to such a dual legal basis, the Court has rejected its normal "aim and content" legal bases reasoning. It also examines the implications of the judgment for the role of the European Parliament in the procedure for the conclusion of an international agreement.