Summary: | This article discusses the author's variant of system of evaluating the effectiveness of training program "Trauma-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy for children victims of violence", addressed to professionals (psychologists, educational psychologists) who work with children-victims of violence and abuse. Effective training under this program will significantly improve the quality of specialists services for the rehabilitation of child victims of violence and abuse and their social environment. As part of the evaluation system the following structural elements: a direct measurement of learning outcomes against objective criteria, analysis sheets evaluation skills of the trainees, assessment of changes in the professional activities of the trainees, assessment of nontarget effects of training by observing the dynamics of the training group, the analysis of self-reports of participants on learning outcomes. Use this five-step evaluation system allowed us to demonstrate the effectiveness of conducted on the basis of Minin University (Nizhny Novgorod) in the framework of the project "Integrated interdisciplinary program of assistance to survivors of violence and abuse" (2015-2016) training, and hence, used of the training program. The obtained results allow to conclude about the feasibility of postgraduate training program "Trauma-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy for children victims of violence" of psychologists, teachers-psychologists and psychotherapists who are already working with child victims of violence and abuse. In addition, one of the promising options, according to the authors, is the inclusion of this program as mandatory in the standard of preparation of bachelors and masters in all specialties related to the protection of the rights of childhood. In conclusion, the article raises the question about the possibility of using this evaluation system to analyze the effectiveness of other training programs designed for professionals working on violence and abuse.