Summary: | In this paper, some considerations, born directly from the field of the technologist community engaged in the research and development of largest machine built by mankind, the particle
accelerator Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, are
presented. By this measuring machine, the technology played
a crucial role for science, bringing it to new horizons.
Conversely, at CERN, the key concepts of advanced physics
have permeated the world of technology. For the
technological research, a new cooperative model of public
knowledge, free, meritocratic, and supranational, is born. For
the technological researcher, a new awareness arises, based on
the acceptance of his limits and those of the produced technology. But above all, based on the enthusiasm for a new role of the
applied research, no longer dominated by profit, consumption or war, but for finally acting as free knowledge engine.