Summary: | The working group of apple and pear variety and rootstocks testing within the EUFRIN
network (European Fruit Research Institutes Network) has been conducting pollination trials
annually using a standardized method. Since 2002, the institutes Agroscope (Switzerland),
Esteburg Obstbauzentrum Jork (Germany) and Pcfruit (Belgium) have been exchanging their
results with the Laimburg Research Centre (Italy). A comparison of all data makes it possible
to define “suitable” and “unsuitable” pollen donors for new apple varieties such as MC 38
Crimson Snow®, Nicoter Kanzi®, Scifresh Jazz® or Scilate Envy®. Pollination success is
determined by evaluating the fruit set, while the number of seeds provides information
about the quality of pollination. An overlapping blooming period is fundamental for optimal
pollination under natural conditions, therefore the respective flowering times are integrated
in the pollination chart.