Summary: | A pandemic of a disease occurs in many countries and so on continents at a time and affects its huge population physically, mentally, socially and economically. In order to minimize or eliminate the burden of pandemic, it is required to plan and implement effective strategies promptly. The rapid emergence and spread of these pandemic diseases raise severe public health, economic, and development implications. Additionally, it underlines how crucial it is to build comprehensive disease diagnosis and response skills, especially in "hot spot" zones where a wide range of factors may combine to bring about the manifestation of disease. As the entire planet attempts to slow the spread of pandemics from the time of occurrence, public health is now more significant than ever before. Public health professionals are individuals who fight epidemics for the population through disease identification and prevention, conducting research and promoting healthy lifestyles. Recognizing symptoms, such as unusual disease, that indicate a developing outbreak requires public health initiatives, particularly those incorporated in conventional health service provision. Once an unusual disease has been recognized and an outbreak has been established, core health care facilities work to identify individuals and their ties, as well as dismantle transmission chains in communities. This paper will try to present the responsibilities of public health professionals in tackling pandemic situations briefly. In the first section, a short overview of pandemic will be mentioned, then it will structurally discuss what public health experts particularly do during a pandemic.