Summary: | The current development of multimodal transport networks focuses on the realization of intelligent transport systems (ITS) to manage the prediction of traffic congestion and urban mobility of vehicles and passengers so that alternative routes can be recommended for transport, especially the use of public passenger transport, to achieve sustainable transport. In the article, we propose an algorithm and a methodology for solving multidimensional traffic congestion objectives, especially for intersections, based on combining machine learning with the templates method—the golden template algorithm with the multiagent game theory. Intersections are modeled as independent players who had to reach an agreement using Nash negotiation. The obtained results showed that the Nash negotiation with multiagents and the golden template modeling have superior results to the model predictive control (MPC) algorithm, improving travel time, the length of traffic queues, the efficiency of travel flows in an unknown and dynamic environment, and the coordination of the agents’ actions and decision making. The proposed algorithm can be used in planning public passenger transport on alternative routes and in ITS management decision making.