Summary: | Venskab blandt uledsagede mindreårige asylansøgere og flygtninge er et underbelyst område. På baggrund af et etnografisk feltstudie på et asylcenter i Midt-Norge fokuserer denne artikel på uledsagede mindreåriges oplevelser og erfaringer i hverdagen. Venskab blev omtalt som noget særlig vigtigt og ønskværdigt for de unge i det transit, hvor de ventede i uvished på at opnå bosættelse og starte et nyt liv i Norge. Ud fra et førstepersonsperspektiv og med blandt andet Henrik Vighs (2009) analytiske begreb social navigation belyses, hvordan venskab blandt de unge er yderst betydningsfuldt. Perspektivet er interessant, da det åbner op for en forståelse af de unges mobiliseringsmuligheder og bidrager derved med et indblik i deres tilblivelse samt navigering i et dynamisk landskab.
English abstract
Knowledge about friendship and its importance for unaccompanied minor asylum seekers and refugees
is an underexposed area. The basis for this article is an ethnographic field study on an asylum center in central Norway, focusing on the day-to-day experiences of unaccompanied minors. Friendship was mentioned by the minors as something particularly important and desirable, in the transitory state, in which they waited in uncertainty to settle down and start a new life in Norway. The purpose of this article is, from a first-person perspective and using, among other things, Henrik Vigh’s (2009) analytical term social navigation, to illuminate and understand in which ways friendship is something highly important. The perspective is interesting, as it opens up for an understanding of the mobilization possibilities of the young subjects and thereby contributes with insights into their genesis and social navigation in a dynamic landscape.