Summary: | Despite the success of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC),
most jurisdictions in the world do not have policies that create 100% smokefree
environments in indoor workplaces, indoor public places, public transport,
or other public places. We conducted a narrative review of articles that discuss
smoke-free policies and describe the state of the current literature. A search
of peer-reviewed and gray literature, published between 1 January 2004 and
30 April 2022, was conducted using PubMed and EMBASE databases. We
classified articles based on the location of the policy discussed (WHO region,
World Bank income classification) and the environment that was being made
smoke-free. Insights related to policy development and implementation, as well
as compliance and enforcement, were also identified. The search identified 4469
unique citations; 134 articles met the criteria for inclusion and underwent data
extraction by two independent coders. The sample included articles published
in or about jurisdictions in each WHO region, in high- and low- and mediumincome
countries, and articles that discussed policies regulating smoke-free
indoor workplaces, indoor public places, public transport, outdoor/quasi-outdoor
environments, and other (unspecified) public places. Some important insights
from the literature related to smoke-free policy implementation included tobacco
industry interference, the important role of civil society, and the need for effective
communication, education, and leadership. Enforcement officials’ awareness and
training, stakeholders’ attitudes and beliefs, and understanding social norms were
identified as relevant determinants of effective smoke-free policies. There continue
to be challenges for implementing smoke-free policies in jurisdictions throughout
the globe, in high- and low- and middle-income countries. The literature includes
insights to support 100% smoke-free policies in each environment that must be
made smoke-free as per the FCTC.