Summary: | Background: Raising a child diagnosed with infantile cerebral palsy (CP) is a challenge for families and causes many changes in their lifestyle. This study aimed to compare the cognitive emotion regulation and psychological well-being in working mothers of children with CP and mothers of typically developing children.
Methods: As a retrospective and causal-comparative design, this was a descriptive study. This study was conducted in Tehran, Iran, in 2019; the sample was purposefully selected from working mothers with CP children who have been referred to educational and rehabilitation centers (Tak and Pouya, District 2, Tehran) as well as mothers with healthy children enrolled in kindergartens (District 2, Tehran). The sample number was selected based on previous comparative studies of 100 working mothers with CP children (n = 50) and mothers with healthy children (n = 50) who answered Ryff Psychological Well-being Questionnaire and Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ). In this research, in addition to the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) normality test, mean, standard deviation (SD), and an analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used by SPSS software.
Results: There was a significant difference between working mothers with healthy children and working mothers with unhealthy children (F = 115.15, P < 0.001).
Conclusion: This study supports that working mothers of children with CP experienced a low level of cognitive emotion regulation and psychological well-being compared to mothers of typically developing children.