<p>Os princ&iacute;pios de probidade e boa-f&eacute; encontram abrigo na pr&oacute;pria ess&ecirc;ncia da sociedade humana, pois tutelam todas as rela&ccedil;&otilde;es decorrentes do convivo social. Este princ&iacute;pio &eacute; basilar &agrave; pr&oac...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: José A. Camargo
Format: Article
Published: Seção Judiciária do Rio de Janeiro 2010-09-01
Series:Revista da Seção Judiciária do Rio de Janeiro
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Summary:<p>Os princ&iacute;pios de probidade e boa-f&eacute; encontram abrigo na pr&oacute;pria ess&ecirc;ncia da sociedade humana, pois tutelam todas as rela&ccedil;&otilde;es decorrentes do convivo social. Este princ&iacute;pio &eacute; basilar &agrave; pr&oacute;pria dignidade da pessoa humana sob o qual se abriga todo o ordenamento jur&iacute;dico p&aacute;trio que se centra na autonomia limitada da vontade. De &iacute;ndole constitucional, a sua aplicabilidade e import&acirc;ncia se manifestam nas declara&ccedil;&otilde;es de vontade, nos neg&oacute;cios e nos atos jur&iacute;dicos, manifesta&ccedil;&otilde;es pr&oacute;prias das rela&ccedil;&otilde;es de direito que nascem entre os homens que s&atilde;o obrigados a observ&aacute;-lo ou a resguard&aacute;-lo na interpreta&ccedil;&atilde;o, conclus&atilde;o e execu&ccedil;&atilde;o dos contratos correspondentes. Assim, a grande quest&atilde;o sobre os princ&iacute;pios de probidade e boa-f&eacute; diz respeito ao seu acatamento e a sua observ&acirc;ncia para assegurar a fun&ccedil;&atilde;o social do contrato, cl&aacute;usula geral que condiciona a validade dos neg&oacute;cios e demais atos jur&iacute;dicos. Os preceitos direcionam a pr&oacute;pria atividade jurisdicional, exigindo do magistrado uma atitude <em>ex-officio</em> quando demando pelo caso concreto.</p><p>ABSTRACT: The principles of probity and good will are under the very essence of human society, because under their jurisdiction all the relations from social living together. This principle is fundamental to the very dignity of the individual under which houses all the native legal system that focuses on the limited autonomy of the Will. From a constitutional nature, its applicability and importance to realize the statements of intent, business and legal acts of the manifestations of legal relations that arise between men who are obliged to observe it and to guard it in the interpretation, conclusion and implementation of corresponding contracts. So, the big question is about the standards of integrity and good will regarding his acceptance and compliance to ensure the social function of contract, general clause which makes the validity of business and other legal acts. The statutes direct the court's own activity, requiring a judge's attitude when sued by the case.</p><p>KEYWORDS: Objective good will. Subjective good will. Integrity. Social function. Contract.&nbsp;</p>