Summary: | The article dedicated to the main theological problem which has arisen within monothelitism disputes of the first half of the 7th century. The point of view of St. Maximus the Confessor who refers will to the nature and, therefore, considers will as attribute of the nature is researched. According to this point of view as Christ in one God's Hypostasis connects two natures, and the will is accessory of the nature, He has two will, each of which corresponds to one of two Him natures. God's will corresponds to the God's nature. And the will human corresponds to human nature. Together with recognition and justification of the first point of view there is the point of view according to which the will is accessory of the Hypostasis This will is attribute of the Hypostasis. This will is called the will of choice, or, in other words, gnomic will. Human has natural will and will of choice. Christ has only natural will. According to this point of view the freedom of choice is not real, because it is caused by distortion of human nature and this distortion is caused by original sin.