Summary: | A 12-month-old boy presented with swelling all over body, reddish brown lesions over both lower extremities, and mild fever. On examination, pallor was present, vitals were stable, and child appeared well-except for edema and rashes. Pitting edema was present over all extremities and periorbital region. There was no edema over scrotum and abdominal wall. Skin examination showed erythematous, palpable, purpuric lesions (0.5–3 cm in diameter) over buttocks and lower limbs sparing trunk, face, and upper limbs. All other systems were within normal limits. Skin biopsy showed the features suggestive of leukocytoclastic vasculitis. Diagnosis of acute hemorrhagic edema was made on the basis of clinical examination and skin biopsy. The child responded to steroids.