Summary: | The present study has been aimed at verifying the hypothesis according to which the painless and unprocessed losses together with the narcissistic illusion of family perfection were the main matrix of dysfunctional, violent relationship patterns and dependent personalities.In the specific the study conducted on a total sample of 140 subjects (the test sample of 70 subjects, 14 to 72 years old - 58% females and 42% males, living or having experienced dysfunctional relationships and who subsequently acted and/or suffered violence and 70 subjects for the control sample, between 16 and 70 years - 60% females and 40% males, who live or have experienced dysfunctional relationships but who have not acted or suffered violence), who committed or suffered violence, has the goal to examine the incidence of a traumatic event non elaborated can have on the personality, on the relationships and on generational transmissions of the violence. To lead this study, the multidisciplinary team of the Associazione Italiana di Psicologia e Criminologia used the protocol which provide clinics conversations, instruments psychophysiological valuations "biofeedback" and a lot of specific psicodiagnostic tests for the valuation of the personality and of the relationships with parents. This protocol integrated, which use a psychological training in addition to the others instruments (clinical interviews, psychological evaluation, biofeedback, body therapy, group therapy or family therapy), allowed to the recipients to reduce the relaps risk for the dysfunctional relationships of 70%, by contributing to the contrast of the generational transmission of the violence.