Summary: | The problem researched refers to the requirement of the legal order of implementation of mechanisms of judicial governance, among whose constructs we take the accountability, by making feasible increase of efficiency and effectiveness of the jurisdictional rendering, realizing the fundamental human right to judgment within a reasonable time, perhaps great. The exploratory method was more adequate to the proposed objectives because it allows to know the current possibility of active transparency in the e-Proc electronic process system, employed in the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins, regarding strategic information comprehensible to all actors of the justice system and to all the dimensions of the procedural process, necessary for the success of the strategic planning. It was concluded that a multidisciplinary organizational intelligence committee should be created, with decision-making power over e-Proc programming, to implement a system programming guideline, adding transparency and accountability, which can be implemented if prioritized by the Administration of the Court, through the improvement of the initiative already implemented in the Counties Support Center.