Gender differences in preferences of individual and team sports in Polish adolescents [Genderové rozdíly při výběru individuálních a kolektivní sportů u polských adolescentů]

<strong>BACKGROUND</strong>: The prevalence of physical activity (PA) depends greatly on the options of executing preferable and favorite PA. Objective information about individual preferences in types of PA can support successful integration of adolescents into regular participation in...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Karel Frömel, Dorota Groffik, Wojciech Wąsowicz, Michal Kudláček, Filip Křen
Format: Article
Published: Palacky University 2012-03-01
Series:Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Gymnica
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Summary:<strong>BACKGROUND</strong>: The prevalence of physical activity (PA) depends greatly on the options of executing preferable and favorite PA. Objective information about individual preferences in types of PA can support successful integration of adolescents into regular participation in PA. Defining the role of individual and team sports in regard to girls' and boys' sport preferences is a permanent problem that requires objective and continuous diagnostics. <strong>OBJECTIVE</strong>: The purpose of the study is to examine the relationship among girls' and boys' preferences in individual and team sports and further among these preferences and PA participation. <strong>METHODS</strong>: Online research was conducted in the Katowice region and 518 boys and 559 girls from the age of 15 to 17 years participated. All high schools in the region were called on for participation, but only schools that allowed the research examination participated. Sport preferences survey that participants completed online via INDARES system was used to diagnose preferences in individual and team sports. The results were analyzed using basic statistical procedures, the relationship was determined based on rank correlation coefficients and differences between orders of preferred sports were tested by Mann-Whitney test. <strong>RESULTS</strong>: The most preferred individual sport in girls and boys is swimming, and that applies for all age groups. There is a very strong correlation (rs = .841 - .895; p < .001) among girls' and boys' (15 to 17 years old) preferences in individual sports. Volleyball is the most preferred team sport for girls followed by basketball and handball. The most preferred team sport for boys is soccer by distantly followed by volleyball and basketball. The relationship between girls' and boys' team sports is not as strong as for individual sports (rs = .745 - .763; p < .001). In regard to selected sports, boys and girls corresponded in their team sports preferences followed by individual sports preferences. The highest difference in preferences was evident in the group of Rhythmic and Dancing activities, which were ranked third by girls, while boys ranked them last. Both girls and boys who prefer individual sports and girls who prefer team sports participate longer in hourly range of organized PA. <strong>CONCLUSIONS</strong>: The Polish version of the online system INDARES is a suitable diagnostic tool for the examination of sport preferences sphere in adolescents. Understanding gender differences in sport preferences of adolescents can increase their participation in organized PA.<br>[<strong>V&Yacute;CHODISKA</strong>: Prevalence pohybov&eacute; aktivity (PA) z&aacute;vis&iacute; z velk&eacute; č&aacute;sti na možnosti zvolit si preferovanou či obl&iacute;benou PA. Objektivn&iacute; informace o individu&aacute;ln&iacute;ch preferenc&iacute;ch v r&aacute;mci jednotliv&yacute;ch typů PA mohou &uacute;spě&scaron;ně podpořit pravidelnou &uacute;čast adolescentů na PA. Určen&iacute; role individu&aacute;ln&iacute;ch a kolektivn&iacute;ch sportů vzhledem ke sportovn&iacute;m preferenc&iacute;m d&iacute;vek a chlapců představuje neust&aacute;l&yacute; probl&eacute;m, kter&yacute; vyžaduje objektivn&iacute; a průběžnou diagnostiku. <strong>C&Iacute;LE</strong>: C&iacute;lem t&eacute;to studie je posoudit vztah mezi preferencemi d&iacute;vek a chlapců v r&aacute;mci individu&aacute;ln&iacute;ch a kolektivn&iacute;ch sportů, a tak&eacute; mezi těmito preferencemi a &uacute;čast&iacute; na PA. <strong>METODIKA</strong>: V Katovic&iacute;ch a okol&iacute; byl proveden online v&yacute;zkum, jehož se z&uacute;častnilo 518 chlapců a 559 d&iacute;vek ve věku od 15 do 17 let. K &uacute;časti byly vyzv&aacute;ny v&scaron;echny středn&iacute; &scaron;koly v dan&eacute;m regionu, z&uacute;častnily se jej v&scaron;ak pouze ty &scaron;koly, jež umožnily v&yacute;zkumn&eacute; &scaron;etřen&iacute;. K určen&iacute; preferenc&iacute; mezi individu&aacute;ln&iacute;mi a kolektivn&iacute;mi sporty byl použit dotazn&iacute;k preferenc&iacute; v oblasti sportu, kter&yacute; &uacute;častn&iacute;ci vyplnili online v syst&eacute;mu INDARES. V&yacute;sledky byly analyzov&aacute;ny za použit&iacute; z&aacute;kladn&iacute;ch statistick&yacute;ch metod, vztah byl určen na z&aacute;kladě koeficientů korelace, pořad&iacute; a rozd&iacute;ly mezi pořad&iacute;m preferovan&yacute;ch sportů byly ověřeny pomoc&iacute; Mann-Whitneyova testu. <strong>V&Yacute;SLEDKY</strong>: Nejpreferovaněj&scaron;&iacute; individu&aacute;ln&iacute; sport u d&iacute;vek i chlapců je plav&aacute;n&iacute; a tento v&yacute;sledek se t&yacute;k&aacute; v&scaron;ech věkov&yacute;ch skupin. Mezi preferencemi d&iacute;vek a chlapců(ve věku 15 až 17 let) v individu&aacute;ln&iacute;ch sportech existuje velmi siln&aacute; korelace (rs = .841&ndash;.895; p &lt; .001). U d&iacute;vek je nejpreferovaněj&scaron;&iacute;m kolektivn&iacute;m spor tem volejbal, n&aacute;sledovan&yacute; basketbalem a h&aacute;zenou. Nejpreferovaněj&scaron;&iacute; kolektivn&iacute; sport u chlapců je fotbal, po němž s velk&yacute;m odstupem n&aacute;sleduje volejbal a basketbal. Vztah mezi kolektivn&iacute;mi sporty u d&iacute;vek a chlapců nen&iacute; tak siln&yacute; jako u individu&aacute;ln&iacute;ch sportů (rs = .745&ndash;.763; p &lt; .001). Pokud jde o vybran&eacute; sporty, chlapci i d&iacute;vky se shodli na vět&scaron;&iacute; obl&iacute;benosti kolektivn&iacute;ch sportů oproti individu&aacute;ln&iacute;m sportům. Největ&scaron;&iacute; rozd&iacute;l v preferenc&iacute;ch byl evidentn&iacute; ve skupině rytmick&yacute;ch a tanečn&iacute;ch aktivit, jež se um&iacute;stily na třet&iacute;m m&iacute;stě u d&iacute;vek, zat&iacute;mco u chlapců byly na posledn&iacute;m m&iacute;stě. D&iacute;vky i chlapci preferuj&iacute;c&iacute; individu&aacute;ln&iacute; sporty a d&iacute;vky preferuj&iacute;c&iacute; kolektivn&iacute; sporty se v hodinov&eacute;m rozmez&iacute; organizovan&eacute; PA dan&eacute; aktivity &uacute;častn&iacute; d&eacute;le. <strong>Z&Aacute;VĚRY</strong>: Polsk&aacute; verze online syst&eacute;mu INDARES je vhodn&yacute;m diagnostick&yacute;m n&aacute;strojem pro zkoum&aacute;n&iacute; sportovn&iacute;ch preferenc&iacute; u adolescentů. Pochopen&iacute; genderov&yacute;ch rozd&iacute;lů v r&aacute;mci sportovn&iacute;ch preferenc&iacute; u adolescentů může zv&yacute;&scaron;it jejich &uacute;čast v r&aacute;mci organizovan&eacute; PA.]