Summary: | The alkaline mafic (lamprophyric) Gusinoozerskaya dyke in West Transbaikalia is composed of partially melted granite xenoliths. Among the xenoliths, two melted substrates are observed: (1) plagioclase and quartz, and (2) alkaline feldspar and quartz. Few millimeters thick microfelsite and microgranophiric rims are the products of melting around the granite xenoliths. Ultra‐acid glass is observed in the inner parts of the xenoliths at the boundary of quartz and feldspars. A distinctive feature of the fresh melts (regardless of the composition of the protolithic sub‐ strate) is an increased content of potassium with K2O/Na2O≥2. Having compared the compositions of the products of contact melting with the experimental data, we conclude that melting took place in the presence of alkaline‐chloride and/or alkaline‐carbonic fluid released from the crystallizing host alkaline‐basic magma. The probable geotectonic conditions for the occurrence of ultrapotassic acid magmas are estimated.