Summary: | For the safe use of the pectoralis major lobe it is necessary for the surgeon toknow its anatomic characteristics such as the vascular peduncle, the range of thevascular area and the lobe's rotation angle. The examination was done on 30 cadavers.The aim of the examination was to define exactly the anatomic characteristics as wellas the vascular area of the pectoral initial thoracocromial artery essentially for liftingthe pectoralis major lobe. In the 80% of the dissections the starting point of the arteryis in the middle of the clavicula with an average length of 11,5 mm and width of 2,6mm. In 83% of the dissections it was found that the thoracoacromial artery ended with4 branches. It was found that the whole sternocostal part of the pectoral muscle is fedby the pectoral branch of the thoracoacromial artery as well as the sin of the front partof the thoracic cavity with average dimensions of 13x20 cm. The length of the lobe's rotation angle was from 22 to 28 cm. The examination exactly defined the startingpoint of the thoracoacromiahs artery, the length of the pectoral branch and the area ofits vascularization.