Summary: | Akita prefecture is located in the northern part of Japan and has many cadmium-polluted areas. We herein performed an exposure assessment of cadmium in 712 and 432 female farmers in two adjacent cadmium-polluted areas (A and B, respectively), who underwent local health examinations from 2001–2004. We measured cadmium concentrations in 100 food items collected from local markets in 2003. We then multiplied the intake of each food item by its cadmium concentration in each subject to assess cadmium intake from food and summed cadmium intake from all food items to obtain the total cadmium intake. Median cadmium intake levels in areas A and B were 55.7 and 47.8 µg/day, respectively, which were both higher than that of the general population and were attributed to local agricultural products, particularly rice. We also calculated weekly cadmium intake per body weight and compared it to the previous provisional tolerable weekly intake reported by the Joint FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization)/WHO (World Health Organization) expert committee on food additives or current tolerable weekly intake in Japan of 7 µg/kg BW/week. Medians in areas A and B were 7.2 and 6.0 µg/kg BW/week, respectively. Similar estimated values were also obtained by the Monte Carlo simulation. These results demonstrated that the cadmium exposure levels among the farmers were high enough to be approximately the tolerable weekly intake.