Summary: | The support and mentorship that the Kennett High school students receive in the “Walk In kNowledge” and “Hermanitas” programs, and from the coordinator of these programs, Ms. Loretta Perna, is invaluable to the Kennett Square community in Pennsylvania, United States. Students receive guidance from a person who believes in them, challenges them to reach higher, plus provides them with the necessary tools to succeed throughout their high school and college years, as well as in their professional lives. The support students receive include assistance throughout the entire college application process, exposure to college life and career options through campus tours, academic summer camp, internship programs, plus, connections with additional mentors, and opportunities to expand on their skills base. Five current and former students share their stories and the impact Loretta has had on their academic and personal success and how her support changed the trajectory of their lives. Guadalupe, Sonia, Estefani, Marlen, and Angel demonstrate how Loretta believes in her students, encourages them to reach higher, and supports them throughout their journey, often surpassing expectations to meet her students’ needs. Students then gain other experiences they would otherwise not have had the opportunity to experience.