Summary: | The remotely controlled replacement of the concrete covering of the spent fuel dry storage unit 3A with a new iron horizontal biological shielding was carried out during works aimed at the improvement of the radiological environment at the NWC “SevRAO” - Branch of FSUE “RosRAO”, Andreeva Bay, Murmansk Region. Video control systems, a BROKK robotic manipulator, HIAB manipulator crane, gamma detectors of the ASCRO radiation monitoring system, and a CARTOGAM gamma camera were employed. A CARTOGAM gamma camera was used in all stages of the work involving high radiation levels for the remote location of the most dangerous gamma radiation sources and the evaluation of their dose rates. Gamma detectors of the ASCRO radiation monitoring system were located at several spots of the dry storage unit 3A in order to control the radiation situation. The use of the ASCRO and CARTOGAM has allowed us to avoid unauthorized exposure of the staff involved in the operations at the dry storage unit 3A site.