Summary: | Background
E-cigarette use is spreading in Latin America both in adults and
adolescents. However, little is known about how interest in them varies over
time and across different countries. Countries have adopted different policies
for e-cigarettes. When banned, consumers tend to use the Internet to search for
and buy them. Google Trends is a
publically available index of Internet search activity that has been used for generating
public health insights. This study uses Google Trends analyses to assess
variations in e-cigarette searches across 5 large Spanish-speaking Latin-American
countries over the past five years.
We used Google Trends to assess the topic "electronic cigarette" in Argentina,
Chile, Colombia, México and Perú; from June 2012 through June 2017. We selected these countries based on population
size, tobacco use prevalence and legislation regarding e-cigarettes. We also
searched for terms of specific brands among the top 25 e-cigarette related
searches in the five countries.
Searches regarding e-cigarettes have increased over the last five years
in all 5 countries. There are clear differences between countries. Argentina
and Mexico, the two countries where e-cigarettes are banned have the highest
frequency of searches, together with Chile that has the highest prevalence of
tobacco use in the Region. It is noticeable a peak in searches in Argentina during
May 2016, which is explained by national press coverage of the weak enforcement
of the e-cigarette ban during this time period. Popular brands appeared in the
top 25 related search terms and included general e-commerce sites, e-cigarette
specific marketplace sites, and product manufacturer specific sites.
Identifying search trends around e-cigarettes can enhance the evidence
base for the changes in the public perceptions of e-cigarettes in Latin
America. Comparisons across countries
with different tobacco control strategies could be important for understanding
how to regulate this emerging product.