Summary: | The two storms Martin (1999) and Klaus (2009) contributed to reveal the shift growing between the forest of Landes of Gascony (France), its sector, and territorial dynamics characterized by the increasing of residential mobility, tourism and leisure. Considering the particular influence of the forest on this space and the current trends of diversification - uses and territories -, this article explores how forest could take part with the emergence of new collectives and new territorial combinations intermingling residential and sectorial changes. Based on the “actor network” theory, this paper examines the diversity of the socials ties with the forest and their reciprocal “tying”. Forest appears then as a space operator which generates, assembles and dissociates a multiplicity of ties. Following a foresight study conducted between 2010 and 2012, this article begins with a presentation of this forest area which has long been regarded as a ”desert”, and the transformation of the different styles of attachment that construct the forest according to its insertion into different domains of reality (the economy, nature, the social and the cultural). The last part of the article explores, within three concrete territories of Landes of Gascony, the plurality of forms of articulation between the different styles of attachment, and the possible becomings of those assemblages in terms of entanglement and exclusion.