Summary: | Secondary succession in degraded areas is little studied, especially where long-term observation of evolutionary processes is concerned. The aim of this work was to follow the qualitative and quantitative changes in vegetation throughout the regeneration process after fire in a cerrado with forest physionomy. The area under study is a reserve on CPPSE-EMBRAPA's farm, São Carlos region of São Paulo State, Brazil. In 1981, an especially destructive fire eliminated the aerial part of the vegetation and litter. From that time, the vegetation in three permanent quadrats of 2 x 20 m was recorded for twenty years. The results demonstrated the rapid growth of herbs, shrubs, climbers and trees successively, with a great species richness and, after a certain time, a decline in density at a rate similar to the initial recovery. Both the soil seed bank and sprouting subterranean organs played important parts in the recovery of the vegetation. Three phases were observed in the plant succession: plant growth, followed by intraspecific competition with a reduction in the number of individuals and finally interspecific competition with the disappearance of some species from the quadrats. The different populations behaved similarly and the rise and fall in density of each species over time reflected their ecological role.