This study aims to find out the general description of the sakinah family, the pattern of sakinah family coaching, and the community response to the development of sakinah Family in Salatiga City with the target of community research in Argomulyo District. This research is descriptive with qualitati...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Marmiati Mawardi
Format: Article
Published: Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang 2017-09-01
Series:International Journal Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din
Online Access:
Summary:This study aims to find out the general description of the sakinah family, the pattern of sakinah family coaching, and the community response to the development of sakinah Family in Salatiga City with the target of community research in Argomulyo District. This research is descriptive with qualitative approach. One of the reseach objects was Uswatun Khasanah  from Pamot village, Noborejo Sub-district, originally classified as pre-sakinah. Findings of this study stated that guidance given by KUA (religious officers) in Argomulyo could not reach maximum level because it only served people more with general guidance in the form of religious sermons than in the form of practical skills; while people saw a family could not be justified as ideal unless it meets both spiritual and material needs. Therefore, it is recommended that the Ministry of Religious Affairs revisit its concept of Islamic ideal family, increase the funds for the guidance in order to give better services to more people, and make a good relationship with other elements of regional institutions, religious leaders and public figures. --- Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran umum tentang keluarga sakinah,  pola pembinaan keluarga sakinah, dan Respons masyarakat terhadap pembinaan Keluarga sakinah di Kota Salatiga dengan sasaran penelitian masyarakat di Kecamatan Argomulyo. Penelitian ini bersifat diskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Salah satu kelompok binanan keluarga pra sakinah adalah Uswatun Khasanah, Dusun Pamot, Kelurahan Noborejo, semula tergolong  pra sakinah. Pasca Pembinaan ada kesadaran dalam masyarakat  untuk mewujudkan kehidupan yang agamis, mengalami peningkatan dibidang keagamaan maupun perekonomian. Perubahan tersebut karena keikutsertaan dalam kegiatan pengajian dan faktor perubahan lingkungan. Keberhasialan ini tidak lepas dari peran penyuluh dan tokoh agama maupun tokoh masyarakat setempat. Pembinaan  masih bersifat umum dalam bentuk pengajian, pembinaan ketrampilan belum banyak dilakukan. Pembinaan keluarga sakinah yang dilakukan KUA Argomulyo belum  maksimal. Kementrian Agama perlu perlu dipertegas konsep keluarga sakinah disesuaikan dengan kondisi mayarakat dan perlu menambah alokasi dana pembinaan keluaraga agar bisa menjangkau masyarakat luas dan perlu membangan kerjasama dengan Pemda,tokoh agama dan tokoh masyarakat