Summary: | Visegrad Group (V4) containing Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia, is one of the examples of regional cooperation within the European Union (EU). Recently V4 has shown some coherence in case of migrant wave to the EU, as well as presented unifi ed position vis-à-vis climate change or leaders election in the EU. The Author has taken into consideration major political parties – both ruling and in the opposition – and their programs in all V4 countries and comes to following conclusions:
1. There is no coherence of V4, as Czech Republic and Slovakia are not ready to follow the footsteps of Hungary and Poland in creation of so called illiberal democracies.
2. All V4 countries are domestically highly polarized, with
the exception of Hungary dominated by its charismatic leader Viktor Orbán.
3. Internal instability cannot bring a cohesive and unifi ed voice of V4 in the EU in more coordinated way.
4. If V4 countries will constantly undermine the core system of values, or Copenhagen criteria, of the EU,
as Hungary and Poland is doing, combined with more and more problems with corruption, as all of them have, then un-famous East – West division line can reemerge in the EU and on the European continent leading to weakening of it on the global scene.