Summary: | In this paper, a seasonal performance analysis of a hybrid ejector cooling system is carried-out, by considering a multi-ejector pack as expansion device. A 20 kW ejector-based chiller was sized to obtain the optimal tradeoff between performance and investment costs. The seasonal performance of the proposed solution was then evaluated through a dynamic simulation able to obtain the performance of the designed chiller with variable ambient temperatures for three different reference climates. The optimized multi-ejector system required three or four ejectors for any reference climate and was able to enhance the system performance at partial load, with a significant increase (up to 107%) of the seasonal energy efficiency ratio. The proposed system was then compared to conventional cooling technologies supplied by electric energy (electrical chillers EHP) or low-grade heat sources (absorption chillers AHP) by considering the total costs for a lifetime of 20 years and electric energy-specific costs for domestic applications from 0.10 to 0.50 €/kWhel. The optimized multi-ejector cooling system presented a significant convenience with respect to both conventional technologies. For warmer climates and with high electricity costs, the minimum lifetime for the multi-ejector system to achieve the economic break-even point could be as low as 1.9 years.