Summary: | We report a new regime of filamentation in water in tight focusing geometry, very similar to the so-called superfilamentation seen in air. In this regime there is no observable conical emission and multiple small-scale filaments, but instead a single continuous plasma channel is formed. To achieve this specific regime the principal requirement is the usage of tight focusing and supercritical power of laser radiation. Together they guarantee extremely high intensity in the microvolume in water (∼10 ^14 W cm ^−2 ) and clamp the energy in the ultra-thin (approximately several microns) channel with a uniform plasma density distribution in it. Each point of the ‘superfilament’ becomes a center of spherical shock wave generation. The overlapped shock waves transform into one cylindrical shock wave. At low energies, a single spherical shock wave is generated from the laser beam waist, and its radius tends toward saturation as energy increases. At higher energies, a long stable contrast cylindrical shock wave is generated, whose length increases logarithmically with laser pulse energy. The linear absorption decreases the incoming energy delivered to the focal spot, which dramatically complicates the filament formation, especially in the case of loose focusing. Aberrations added to the optical scheme lead to multiple dotted plasma sources for shock wave formation, spaced along the axis of pulse propagation. Increasing the laser energy launches the filaments at each of the dots, whose overlapping leads to enhancing the length of the whole filament and therefore the shock impact on the material.