Summary: | The order prime divisor graph 𝒫𝒟(G) of a finite group G is a simple graph whose vertex set is G and two vertices a, b ∈ G are adjacent if and only if either ab = e or o(ab) is some prime number, where e is the identity element of the group G and o(x) denotes the order of an element x ∈ G. In this paper, we establish the necessary and sufficient condition for the completeness of order prime divisor graph 𝒫𝒟(G) of a group G. Concentrating on the graph 𝒫𝒟(Dn), we investigate several properties like degrees, girth, regularity, Eulerianity, Hamiltonicity, planarity etc. We characterize some graph theoretic properties of 𝒫𝒟 (ℤn), 𝒫𝒟 (Sn), 𝒫𝒟 (An).