Summary: | The article examines the history of the reestablishment of Komsomol organizations in Kalmykia’s ex-occupied after the expulsion of German and Romanian
invaders. In the summer of 1942, the Wehrmacht troops completely occupied a total
of five uluses and the city of Elista, and partially – three more uluses. Quite a number
of Komsomol members found themselves in the occupied territories. Despite the terror
of the Nazis, many Komsomol members of Kalmykia joined the struggle against the
invaders. Still, there were a few cases of Komsomol members’ collaboration with the
occupants. In November 1942 to January 1943, Red Army forces drove the invaders
out of Kalmykia. The reestablishment of Komsomol ulus committees started. Secretaries, members of the Bureau, and workers of the Regional Komsomol Committee were
commissioned to those uluses to assist in respective activities. The restored Komsomol
city and ulus committees initiated a re-registration of Komsomol members that had
remained in the occupied territories and investigations of their activities. This resulted
in a number of errors when Komsomol members that had behaved decently during
the occupation were expelled from the Komsomol. The Kalmyk Regional Committee
justified themselves by the absence of any guideposts from the Central Komsomol
Committee. The phase also witnessed efforts for restoration of the national economy.
The newly established Komsomol youth brigades managed to significantly succeed in
those works over a short period of time.