Abstract Terrorism is a crime which involved more than one state to attact world peace and security.The handling of international terrorism is not only based on national law but also on international law. Efforts to overcome international crime of terrorism by making the rules both national and in...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Yasniar Rachmawati Madjid
Format: Article
Published: Universitas Brawijaya 2018-09-01
Series:Arena Hukum
Online Access:https://arenahukum.ub.ac.id/index.php/arena/article/view/375
Summary:Abstract Terrorism is a crime which involved more than one state to attact world peace and security.The handling of international terrorism is not only based on national law but also on international law. Efforts to overcome international crime of terrorism by making the rules both national and international But there are differences of perspective on the characteristics of freedom fighters with terrorists. It is therefore necessary to regulate through multilateral international agreements that have integral responsibility as a form of accountability of countries in the world as set out in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.To analyze the problem the authors use the method ofJuridical Normative, with the approach used in this paper is the Conceptual Approach and the Statute Approach that is used to examine the rule of law relating to judicial terrorism which will be found a new concept of judicial terrorism.   Abstrak Terorisme internasional harus memenuhi unsur internasional yaitu melibatkan lebih dari suatu Negara baik sebagai pelaku, korban serta pendanaan, selain itu kejahatan ini bertujuan untuk menyerang perdamaian dan keamanan dunia. Upaya penanggulangan kejahatan terorisme internasional adalah dengan dibuatnya aturan-aturan baik yang bersifat nasional maupun internasional. Akan tetapi ada perbedaan cara pandang mengenai karakteristik pejuang kemerdekaan dengan teroris. Sehingga diperlukan pengaturan melalui perjanjian internasional multilateral yang memiliki tanggung jawab integral sebagai bentuk pertanggungjawaban Negara-negara di dunia seperti diatur dalam Statuta Roma International Criminal Court. Penulis menggunakan metode yuridis normatif, dengan pendekatan Conceptual Approach (pendekatan konsep) dan Statute Approach (Pendekatan Peraturan Perundang-undangan)yang digunakan untuk meneliti aturan hukum yang terkait dengan peradilan terorisme yang nantinya akan ditemukan suatu konsep baru dalam peradilan terorisme.