Summary: | The field of network neuroscience has emerged as a natural framework for the study of the brain and has been increasingly applied across divergent problems in neuroscience. From a disciplinary perspective, network neuroscience originally emerged as a formal integration of graph theory (from mathematics) and neuroscience (from biology). This early integration afforded marked utility in describing the interconnected nature of neural units, both structurally and functionally, and underscored the relevance of that interconnection for cognition and behavior. But since its inception, the field has not remained static in its methodological composition. Instead, it has grown to use increasingly advanced graph-theoretic tools and to bring in several other disciplinary perspectives—including machine learning and systems engineering—that have proven complementary. In doing so, the problem space amenable to the discipline has expanded markedly. In this review, we discuss three distinct flavors of investigation in state-of-the-art network neuroscience: (i) descriptive network neuroscience, (ii) predictive network neuroscience, and (iii) a perturbative network neuroscience that draws on recent advances in network control theory. In considering each area, we provide a brief summary of the approaches, discuss the nature of the insights obtained, and highlight future directions.