ABSTRAK Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara tingkat penerapan teknologi sapta usaha peternakan dengan tampilan domba garut tipe tangkas dan tipe pedaging. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kecamatan Cisurupan sebagai sentra peternakan domba garut tipe tangkas, dan di Kecamatan Wanaraj...
Main Authors: | , |
Format: | Article |
Language: | English |
Published: |
Universitas Udayana
Series: | Majalah Ilmiah Peternakan |
Online Access: | |
Summary: | ABSTRAK Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara tingkat penerapan teknologi sapta usaha peternakan dengan tampilan domba garut tipe tangkas dan tipe pedaging. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kecamatan Cisurupan sebagai sentra peternakan domba garut tipe tangkas, dan di Kecamatan Wanaraja sebagai sentra peternakan domba garut tipe pedagin, berlangsung selama tiga bulan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survai. Unit analisis yang diteliti adalah Kabupaten Garut. Data dianalisis dengan metode pemahaman (verstehen). Hubungan antara kedua buah variabel, secara simultan dianalisis dengan Uji Korelasi Kendall W dan secara parsial dengan Uji Korelasi Rank Spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat penerapan teknologi sapta usaha peternakan pada domba garut tipe tangkas berada pada ketegori baik, sedangkan tipe pedaging berada pada kategori cukup. Berat badan (tampilan) domba garut tipe tangkas jantan berada pada kategori baik, betina tipe tangkas dan tipe pedaging berada pada kategori cukup, sedangkan tipe pedaging jantan berada pada kategori kurang. Hasil analisis secara simultan menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang sangat nyata antara penerapan teknologi sapta usaha peternakan dengan berat badan domba garut tipe tangkas dan tipe pedaging, baik jantan maupun betina. Secara parsial terdapat hubungan yang sangat nyata antara perkandangan, tatalaksana pemeliharaan, pengelolaan reproduksi, serta panen, pascapanen dan pemasaran dengan berat badan domba garut tipe tangkas jantan; tatalaksana pemeliharaan serta panen, pascapanen dan pemasaran dengan berat badan domba garut tipe tangkas betina; panen, pascapanen dan pemasaran dengan berat badan domba garut tipe pedaging jantan, serta perkandangan dengan berat badan domba garut tipe pedaging betina. Kesimpulan yang ditarik adalah tingkat penerapan teknologi sapta usaha peternakan pada domba garut tipe tangkas dilaksanakan dengat tepat, sedangkan tipe pedaging masih perlu perbaikan. Berat badan domba garut tipe tangkas jantan proporsional, betina tipe tangkas dan tipe pedaging perlu ditingkatkan, sedangkan tipe pedaging jantan kurang berat (kurus). Semakin tepat penerapan teknologi sapta usaha peternakan akan semakin baik pula berat badan domba garut tipe tangkas dan tipe pedaging, baik jantan maupun betina. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN APPLICATION LEVEL OF THE SEVEN ENDEAVORS TECHNOLOGY OF ANIMAL HUSBANDRY AND THE PERFORMANCE OF GARUT SHEEP OF CONTEST AND BEEF TYPES IN GARUT REGENCY ABSTRACT The research aimed to find out the relationship between the application level of the seven endeavors technology of animal husbandry and the performance of Garut Sheep of contest and beef types in Garut Regency. The research was conducted in Cisurupan Subdistrict as center of garut sheep of contest type, and at Wanaraja Subdistrict as center of garut sheep of beef type, was conducted for three months. The method used was survey method. The analysis unit was Garut Regency. The data obtained were primary and secondary data. The primary data were obtained using interview technique. The obtained data were analyzed with the comprehension method (verstehen). The relationship between the application level of the seven endeavors technology of animal husbandry and the performance of garut sheep of contest and beef types was simultaneously analyzed using the Kendall W Correlation Test and partially was analyzed using the Rank Spearman’s Correlation Test. The results of the research indicated that the level of the application level of the seven endeavors technology of animal husbandry and the performance of garut sheep of contest type was in good category, whereas of the beef type was in medium category. The performance of garut rams of contest type was in good category, the garut ewes of contest and beef types were in medium category, while the garut rams of beef type was in poor category. The results of simultaneous analysis showed that there were significant relationship between the application level of the seven endeavors technology of animal husbandry and the body weight of garut sheep of contest and beef types, both of rams and ewes. Partially, the analysis showed that there were significant relationship between stables, management, reproduction management, and harvest, as well as postharvest and marketing and the body weight of the garut rams of contest type; between the management, harvest, and postharvest and marketing and the body weight of the garut ewes of contest type; between the harvest, postharvest and marketing and the body weight of the garut rams of beef type; and between the stables and the body weight of the garut ewes of beef type. The conclusion was that the application of the seven endeavors technology of animal husbandry of garut Sheep of contest type was appropriate, whereas of the beef types some improvements were needed. The body weight of the garut rams of the contest type was proportional, the garut ewes of the contest and beef types should be improved, whereas the Garut rams of beef type was less weight (thin). The more appropriate the application of the seven endeavors technology of animal husbandry, the better the performance of the Garut Sheep of contest and beef types, both rams and ewes, would be. |
ISSN: | 0853-8999 2656-8373 |