Summary: | The article provides a study of the inventory of the Zolochiv Basilian monastery’s library dating back to the late 60s - early 70s of the 18th century and provides its publication. The quantitative content of the monastery library is analyzed under such categories as printed and manuscript codices, language and format of the books. The book repertoire of the monastic library encompasses a wide range of topics including Bibles in Latin and Polish languages, concordances, patristics, hagiography, ascetics, moralistic, dogmatic and polemic works, catechism, canonic literature, dictionaries and fiction. Post-Tridentine tradition of Catholic preaching is shown through the examples of Polish Jesuit Baroque authors. Bibliographic reconstruction and in-depth analysis of the monastic library’s books allow defining a hypothetical range of reading of the monks from the Zolochiv monastery, and the library itself is regarded as one of the indicators of the monastery status.