Summary: | Serious economic damages in many regions of the world were caused by the changes in agroclimatic resources during the last 2–3 decades. The Balkan Peninsula is much affected by the temperatures rising, changes in the distribution of precipitation, and the increasing frequency of extreme events—basically, droughts and frosts. Bulgarian agriculture is developed under various agrometeorological conditions. The climate of the country is characterized by the atmosphere and soil moisture deficit in the time of active crop vegetation and yield formation. The aim of this research is to assess the changes in agrometeorological conditions for the growth of the main grain crops and the possibilities for reaction through agro-technologies. Furthermore, the features of contemporary varieties and hybrids of spring and autumn cereals will be taken into account. The next important factor is the specific requirements for hydro-thermal conditions at different phenological phases of agricultural crop development, i.e., sums of the temperatures and precipitations. Agro-technologies react to tendencies in changing agrometeorological conditions. For the adaptation of agro-technologies, the maximum use of natural agroclimatic resources should be included in activities for overcoming unfavorable conditions, as well as the increased frequency of extreme events. A detailed assessment of the agrometeorological conditions is necessary to choose the suitable agro-technology activity. The analysis of the main meteorological elements—temperatures, precipitations, air humidity, wind speed, and solar radiation for thirty years (1986–2015) was used to assess the changes in agrometeorological conditions on agricultural lands in Bulgaria. Appropriate agro-technical activities for growing the main grain crops are proposed in accordance with the observed changes.