Summary: | After the dramatic events of 27 February 2010, during the passage of the storm Xynthia, State has established in February 2011 a national plan for rapid submersions, the National plan for rapid submersions (Plan Submersions Rapides - PSR) which aims by 2016 to increase the security of people in flood zones. The PSR has created a new dynamic and notably led many communities to carry flood prevention action programs (PAPI). 127 PAPIs and dykes projects are certified to date representing € 1.463 billion. In departments of Charente-Maritime and Vendée, 28 PAPIs have been developed and cover the most severely affected territories by Xynthia storm. Besides the implementation of PAPI carried by local authorities, the State has driven 81 operational actions contributing to manage urban development, to improve the knowledge of hazards, the development of forecasting and monitoring systems, the information of populations and the reliability of the protection structures. A new regulation for “management of aquatic environments and flood prevention” was created and should be established at the initiative of local communities until the 1St January 2018.