Summary: | Introduction: the body stalk anomaly is an unusual syndrome characterized by anatomic
defect in the wall of the abdomen and exit of the viscera of the abdominal cavity.
It is associated to kyphoscoliosis, deformities of the extremities and absence or shortening
of the umbilical cord. The prenatal diagnosis is by ultrasonography and the final
diagnosis is by anatomopathological evaluation.
Case report: newborn infant of 29 weeks of gestational age, product of
the second pregnancy of a 25 year-of-age mother. The diagnosis of BSA by
ultrasonography of the first trimester was carried out. The interruption of the
pregnancy was recommended, which was carried out by cesarean birth at the
final of the second trimester. An alive newborn was born and died in few minutes
due to extreme preterm birth and multiple congenital anomalies. Clinical autopsy
was carried out.
Conclusion: The BSA is a congenital anomaly without successful treatment
options. It is important the early detection in the prenatal period by
ultrasonography. The voluntary interruption of the pregnancy should be
considered. Rev.cienc.biomed. 2014:5(1):134-138
Congenital abnormalities, Ultrasonography prenatal, Abdominal wall.