Summary: | The Danish model of religion designates the conditional ways according to which the Danish national church and other parts of the system of religion are unfolded in Danish society. The special constitutional position of the national church and its dominance in terms of demography of religion explains why the national church constitutes the core of the Danish model of religion. Between this churchly core and the surrounding society the Danish model of religion has a mediate space, which harbours a number of groups and actors who are part of the model of religion, though without a central position in it. The article discusses the historical development of the Danish model of religion and its characteristics. Additionally, it provides some examples of groups and institutions that are placed at the fringes of the model.
Ved den danske religionsmodel forstås de former og rammer, hvorunder folkekirken og de øvrige dele af religionssystemet ¬udfoldes i det danske samfund. Folkekirkens grundlovssikrede særstilling og dens religionsdemografiske dominans er grunden til, at folkekirken udgør kernen i den danske religionsmodel. Mellem denne folkekirkelige kerne og det omgivende samfund har den danske religionsmodel en grænseflade, som rummer en række grupper og aktører, der indgår i religionsmodellen, dog uden at være centralt placeret her. Artiklen behandler den danske religionsmodels historiske udvikling og karakteristika og omtaler nogle eksempler på grupper og institutioner, som er placeret i religionsmodellens grænseflade