Summary: | Physicochemical Characteristics of Honey from the Sudano-Guinean Zone of West and Adamaoua Cameroon. A study was conducted in three regions of Cameroon (West, North-West and Adamaoua) in order to determine physicochemical characteristics of 345 honey samples. One hundred and thirty-two and 213 samples was collected during dry and rainy seasons respectively and analysed to determine pH, water content, electrical conductivity and minerals witch are all related to honey quality and stability. The honeys characteristics significantly vary according to regions and seasons. Apart from the high water content (16 à 35%), all other parameters were within the range defined by the Codex Alimentarius. water content, pH, macroelements (Ca, Mg, K, Na) and electric conductivity were the highest in the North- West and the lowest in Adamaoua. The West Region showed the highest concentrations of microelements (Fe, Al, Zn, Cu, Mn, Co, Ni) and heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Cr). Potassium was very high in all the regions. Honeys from the rainy season showed higher levels of macroelements, low concentrations of microelements and heavy metals. Observed differences between honey characteristics from one region to another provide a good basis for defining honey quality norms of each region.