Summary: | The calcareous screes are very well represented in Meridional Carpathians, especially in Piatra Craiului Mountains.
The paper analyzes the vegetation of these natural habitats from phytosociological point of view. There are 11 plant
associations characteristic for calcareous screes in this region, as follows: Cerastio lerchenfeldiani-Papaveretum
Boşcaiu, Täuber et Coldea 1977, Cardaminopsio neglectae-Papaveretum Coldea et Pânzaru 1986, Acino-Galietum
anisophylli Beldie 1967, Doronico columnae-Rumicetum scutati Boşcaiu et al. 1977, Saxifragetum moschatae-aizoidis
Boşcaiu 1971, Cerastio transsilvanici-Galietum lucidi M. Boșcaiu et al. 1998, Achnatheretum calamagrostis Br.- Bl.
1918, Gymnocarpietum robertianae (Kaiser 1926) Tx. 1937, Sedo fabariae-Geranietum macrorrhizi Boşcaiu et Täuber
1977, Thymetum comosi Pop et Hodişan 1963, Parietarietum officinalis Csűrös 1958. The plant associations were
characterized and the Relative Euclidean distance was calculated on the basis of the Ward method.
The hierarchical analysis revealed the distribution of the plant associations in two clusters corresponding to the Papavero-Thymion pulcherrimi I. Pop 1968 and Stipion calamagrostis Jenny-Lips ex Br.-Bl. 1950 alliances.