Summary: | This article aims to understand the changes that political conflictsshown in the work Persepolis, used as the corpus for this research,generate in the feeding social space. Since it is an illustrated diary,almost like a comic book with an autobiographical nature, twotypes of analyses were used: verbal analysis and analysis of images,with specific data processing, focusing on passages that addressthe theme “Feeding” in the scenario of conflicts generated bythe Iranian revolution. Verbal data were divided into sequentialframes and in them were observed elements of interest for theresearch. As for the visual data, the presence of objects, bodyand facial expressions of the characters were observed. In bothapproaches, we sought data in which the Feeding Social Spacetheme would be clear. A classification matrix was developed. Theanalysis obtained the following information: (1) in the scenario ofPersepolis, there is the production of an epidemic hunger; (2) theconflict imposes on the subjects a series of needs, in which fearand uncertainty are engines for lack of appetite; (3) the feeling ofbeing a foreigner experienced in exile underscores the nostalgiaof lost flavors. With this work, we are able to see that the changesthat political conflicts generated in the feeding social space arestructural ones, indicating the scope of the feeding phenomenonin its cultural and social dimensions. In addition, there is thepower of the literary work as a corpus that has all the appropriateelements to an anthropological analysis and comprising densereflections about the human condition.
DOI: 10.12957/demetra.2015.16055